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Severn Appraisal Toolkit

The Severn Appraisal Toolkit (SAT) will no longer be available as an appraisal toolkit from 1st April 2016.

Free transfer service!

Let us take all the work out of moving to FourteenFish for your next appraisal. 

Find out more about our transfer service

Why use FourteenFish?

The FourteenFish appraisal system is easy to use and popular with appraisers and appraisees alike. 

It is simple to get started with our toolkit and pick up. Our Learning Diary makes recording CPD and other supporting information easy. There is also a free mobile app to record and view supporting information offline. 

Save money by purchasing as a Practice

There is a 10% discount when purchasing 5 or more subscriptions at a time. For more information visit our page on Group purchase of Appraisals and Feedback.


If you have any questions at all or if anything isn't clear please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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