Red Whale are one of the UK’s leading medical education providers, delivering high quality, engaging learning to more than 25,000 primary care colleagues every year. Choose from one of their many full or half day online courses - including the flagship GP Update. Or plump for one of their online subscriptions to redwhale.co.uk and get all the resources you need to tackle pretty much any presentation you might come across in primary care.
Seamless integration with FourteenFish
Record all of your learning with their handy CPD tracker, which seamlessly links to FourteenFish. Once you link the two accounts, everything stored in the redwhale.co.uk CPD tracker is uploaded automatically to FourteenFish, making it quick and easy to record your ongoing learning.
15% discount on the Appraisal Toolkit for GPs
Redwhale.co.uk users can get a 15% discount on our Appraisal Toolkit for GPs once you’ve linked your account to FourteenFish, and have an active subscription in place.
Log in to www.redwhale.co.uk to link your accounts.